Author: Bethany Daniel
Genre: Young Adult Romance
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Hosted by: Love Between the Sheets
This is the retelling of Reconnected from Liam's POV, however it CAN be read as a standalone.
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Liam and Katy were high school sweethearts. Shortly after they graduated they ran off to Vegas to get married. Liam does theater acting and it's there that he is discovered by Excite Entertainment and flown to L.A.
Once he's in L.A his marriage takes the backseat to rubbing elbows with Hollywood's biggest and brightest. One night Liam throws a big party and Katy comes into their house filled with half dressed women. When Katy says she's going to leave, Liam doesn't believe her until he comes home from filming and finds a note that tears him apart.
Four years later, he's tried to move on but never let go of the love he has in his heart for his Katy. It's in a little town they are filmingin that their paths cross again and Liam has to try and convince Katy that their love is worth fighting for.
Diaconnected is the reselling of Reconnected but in Liam's point of view. I REALLY loved the story and the idea. In Reconnected, again loved the story, but it seemed a bit rushed an unrealistic. Krista went from wanting to hate him to giving in pretty fast.
In Disconnected it all made SO much more sense when you see things from Liam's point of view. It's rare that I like the re-telling of a story in another POV, but I LOVED this one! You get to see his determination and where his head is during everything.
You do NOT have to read book 1 to read book 2, BUT it will help you understand the story better and you will have some aha moments. Don't get me wrong, I did like book 1, and could not put it down! I just liked this one better.
This is a very original story about Liam getting his big break in acting then letting it all go to his head. Krista and him were high school sweethearts that eloped in Vegas about a year prior to him making it. Krista can't handle the person Liam is becoming so she leaves him and disappears. It isn't until 4 years later that their paths cross and Liam is determined to win her back! We get to see a timeless love and LOTS of drama. I know we have all heard/seen how fans can go a little crazy for their movie star crushes, and we get a HUGE dose of crazy in this one!
Great fun read that you won't be able to put down!
Rating: 4 Stars
*** I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review ***
I pull her close and sigh. "I know you're still hurting, Katy. Just know that I'm here, ok? You can talk to me, even if it's about Lucas."
She frowns as she looks up at me. "Are you sure?"
I nod. "Yes. I might not be Krista, but I can at least listen. I love you Katy, and I love how big your heart is. I know Lucas holds a piece of it, and probably always will, and I'm ok with that."
Katy sniffles as she looks down. "I miss him, a lot." She wipes her eyes. "He was just always there, you know? Someone that I could turn to for any reason; one of my best friends," She takes a deep breath. "When we became more than friends it felt good. I hadn't really felt much of a connection with anyone since you. He made me open my heart again."
I rub her back in soothing circles and hold her tighter against me. Lucas might not have been my favorite person, but for him to love Katy and to make her open her heart and live again makes me grateful for him. I wish I had gotten the chance to know him better. Maybe over time we would have become friends, but now we'll never get the chance because of a woman out of her mind with jealousy.
"I'm sorry, Katy," I whisper into her hair. "You don't have to be strong in front of me. Cry if you need to, you're allowed to miss him."
Her sniffles turn into gasps as she cries into my chest. I hate that she's been holding all this in for my sake.
I rock her back and forth as her tears continue falling down her cheeks. I wish I could just take this all away for her.
"I just...feel so...guilty," she whispers between cries. "It's not fair. He was supposed to graduate, go be this amazing architect and find a great wife, and have a couple kids." Katy shakes her head. "Now he's just gone. Now he doesn't have a future. Why did he have to die, Liam?" She looks up at me with red puffy eyes and I reach out to rub some tears away.
"Sometimes there are no answers. Sometimes things just suck and all you can do is yell and scream and be pissed off. You can be mad, you can try and make sense of it all, but in the end the why of it doesn't matter, Katy. In the end you're left to just deal with it and keep living."
"I know," she whispers, taking a deep breath. "But it really sucks."
I smile softly and wipe the last of her tears away. "I know it does, but you have me to help you through it, ok? If you need me, I'm right here."
Katy pulls me down to her for a kiss and leans her forehead against mine. "Thank you for loving me even when I'm broken."
I kiss her again and hold her tightly against my chest, "Always."
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