The Devil's Eyes
Author: Jennifer Loren
Amazon Description:
Nicholas Jayzon has broken through the destitute chains of his past by stealing, swindling and charming his way to owning his city. In the city where most everyone owes him a favor, Nick’s power is growing. The police can’t touch him and his enemies are becoming powerless to take him down. He is intelligent, cunning and above all … alluring. No woman can resist him. But, one woman is determined to get him, and her reasons are personal. Kayla Donovan has spent years preparing for the time she faces him again and plans on denying Nick as much of her as she can. She knows him; she knows what gets his attention and what he can’t resist. Kayla is the only one that can possibly look into his devilish eyes and not be besieged by them or controlled by a single whisper of his desire. If she is able to manage her fears, then there is no reason for her not to succeed, and if she can’t … well, she has nothing to lose. She has no one left to care about her or to miss her if she fails in her mission. She has no one, not since her beloved sister fell for him, became controlled by him, and eventually died for him.
Driven by hate, Kayla is determined to find a way into Nick’s favor, find a way to make him trust her so she can find the heart of the devil and tear it apart before he captures hers.
The Devil’s Eyes is a Dark, Intense, Romance novel. Not your typical story of two perfect people coming together after overcoming a life challenge. No, Nick and Kayla are two imperfect people, trying to overcome the brutal realities of their worlds and finding life as criminals comes naturally to them both
SOOOOOOO excited!! Were do I begin. This book has been on my TBR book list for sometime now. I have had quite a few people recommend it to me and the reviews on good reads are great for it as well. This is my first time Reading Mrs. Loren's work but now I'm thinking what the HECK took me so long. This book had the same feel to it as one of my favorite books of 2012 (that list will come out by the end of the week) Crows Row by Julie Hockley. If your looking for Serious bad boy killer falls in love type of book look no further! I started this book late on Saturday night and kept telling my self ok a few more pages, no such luck. I completed 3/4 of the book before I had to put it down due to complete exhaustion. This book was bad boy, romance and suspense wrapped up in one. YUMMY!
The main characters are Nicholas Jayzon (dark eyed HOTTIE!!) and Kayla Donovan. Kayla is a book loving young girl on a mission of revenge to payback the one man who took the heart of her family away, Her Sisters LOVER Nicholas Jayzon. Kayla has prepped her self to be the unobtainable but noticeable sexy girl to secure a spot in Nick's inner circle. She begins her job as a stripper at one of his hottest clubs and from there let the notice me love hate relationship begin. Now nick is the dark eyed good looking bad boy that just by his presence alone demands attention when walking into a room. OH boy little does he know The little spit fire Kayla Donovan is going to turn his world upside down...Oh in soooooo many ways!
Through Kayla's journey of revenge she strips, experiments with prostitution, makes friends, enemies, gets kidnapped, falls in LOVE and becomes a Mother. The supporting characters of this book I had a love hate relationship with at times.First off, Exie I don't think Kayla could have found a truer friend. Luke (Nicks Right hand) there are now words to really explain how much I DISLIKED him throughout this book. Maybe it was the overall WANNA BE persona given throughout the book or it could be the fact YOU DON'T MESS WITH A WOMAN'S CHILD! ( no spoiler coming I promise..HeHe). Jesse (Kayla 's college friend) only way to describe her is back Stabbing _______ (you fill in the blank). Finally Ryan, the little brother of Mr. dark eyes and Handsome. Ryan is also a bad boy but with all the twists and turns in this book my heart went out to him because he just wants to be loved by someone that sees him and not his brother.
NICK, oh Nicholas Jayzon one of the most memorable scenes was in the beginning of this book. it went a little something like this. A women from a bachelorette party asks Mr. Dark eyes and handsome for a kiss on the cheek for her soon to be friend (bride). HIS PLAY: I don't kiss on the cheek, drags the bride to his office and minutes later she comes out hair a mess dress all over the place in a daze. Then he gives her panties back in front of her friends (I'm sure you get the point) WOW, just WOW!. From this point on Mr. Dark Eyes and Handsome was hot and cold in his pursuit of Kayla. I loved him some moments and hated him others. Nicks roller coaster with Kayla included everything from betrayal/hatred from one of his own brothers and best friend, LOVE,Marriage and becoming a FATHER. Oh ya and FAKING his own Death! (Yes you heard me right!)
I will say after reading this book Mrs. Loren is definitely one of my new favorite Romance suspense Writers. This is book one of a series. I have already started book two cant wait to Finish it!
CHEERS TO the Author Jennifer Loren on making Amazon's top 100 Romantic Suspense list.
-Dr. Books
Rating: B+
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