Down To You
Author: M. Leighton
Amazon Description
The scorching tale of one girl and two brothers in a love triangle...that's not.
Olivia Townsend is nothing special. She's just a girl working her way through college so she can return home to help her father run his business. She's determined not to be the second woman in his life to abandon him, even if it means putting her own life on hold. To Olivia, it's clear what she must do. Plain and simple. Black and white.
But clear becomes complicated when she meets Cash and Nash Davenport. They're brothers. Twins.
Cash is everything she's always wanted in a guy. He's a dangerous, sexy bad boy who wants her in his bed at any cost. He turns her insides to mush and, with just one kiss, makes her forget why he's no good for her.
Nash is everything she's ever needed in a guy. He's successful, responsible and intensely passionate. But he's taken. Very taken, by none other than Marissa, Liv's rich, beautiful cousin. That doesn't stop Olivia from melting every time he looks at her, though. With just one touch, he makes her forget why they can never be together.
Black and white turns to shades of gray when Olivia discovers the boys are hiding something, something that should make her run as far and as fast as she can. But it's too late to run. Olivia's already involved. And in love. With both of them.
Both brothers make her heart tremble. Both brothers set her body on fire.
She wants them both.
And they want her.
How will she ever choose between them?
Book Review:
I finished this series of books last week. For the last week or so I have definitely been on the whole Bad Boy fall in love kick. I am here to tell you this Bad Boys series will not disappoint. Olivia Townsend has spent her whole life falling in love with the wrong man, THE BAD BOY!(Unfortunately, she has a mother who reminds her of her poor decisions... real piece of work that lady). One night at her best friends bachelorette party she is put on the spot and has the task of undressing the gorgeous stripper. WELL lets just say after the shirt was removed in walks the REAL STRIPPER. YES she was undressing the clubs owner Mr. Cash Davenport. By the way just FYI Cash does this one eyebrow lift throughout the whole book that is SOOOOO HOT to say the least.(I'M sure you get my point). Needless to say this introduction leaves Liv embarrassed and pissed thinking ALL BAD BOYS ARE THE SAME! To add to her Bad Boy theory the next morning who come strolling out of her cousin/ roomies bedroom non other then you guessed it Mr. Club owner, please strip me himself. WAIT... Or so she thought... Yup, not him but his TWIN brother NASH Davenport (the upscale classy man/lawyer of Livs dreams). Yes now let the twin loving Drama begin! At This point I was HOOKED!
This tale plays out with of Liv battling her feelings for both brothers. You have Cash who is the bad boy she has fallen for her whole life and Nash his equally hot successful brother minus the bad. The dialogue in this book as far as the love triangle of Liv, Cash and Nash is PRICELESS. However there were times in this book were I wanted to tell LIV to just STOP THINKING. Toward the end of the book after all the cat and mouse games are played, just when you think she will choose one brother over other...The biggest interception is thrown that leaves you with a WTH expression and mouth hanging open (yes you get a football analogy).
A rating all the way around!
Happily ever after doesn’t come easy. But for love, it’s always worth the fight.
Olivia finds bliss unlike any she’s ever known in Cash’s arms. He sets her skin on fire and melts her heart right inside her chest. Unfortunately, their happily ever after is short-lived when a shadow from Cash’s past threatens to turn their world upside down.
Dangerous people from his father’s world have discovered that Cash holds information that could put them away for a very long time. And they’re willing to do anything—and hurt anybody—to get it back. Giving it up means Cash must choose between the life of his father and the life of Olivia.
Having nearly overcome her wariness of bad boys, Olivia’s trust is shaken when this new threat arises. Now she finds that Cash is not only a danger to her heart, but his family has associations that are a danger to her life as well. She soon discovers that there are some situations in life where trust is a girl’s only option. And this is one of them. If she’s to live, she must trust Cash with her life. But to Olivia, that’s much, much easier than letting go and trusting him with her heart.
Up to Me (Book #2 Bad boy series)
Author : M. Leighton
Hopefully anyone who hasn't read the first book isn't reading this review yet. SOOOO the WTH moment from book one....CASH IS REALLY NASH, as in the same person(Ya I had to stop reading and take a breath on that one to). The first book review I didn't discuss Cash or Nash to much for fear I would SPOIL something, but now let's TALK. CASH has had a pretty serious dangerous life (he has earned his bad boy and good boy strips in a sense). This book caused me to fall in love with his character even more. Having his twin and mom die in a boating explosion, his father framed for there murder (by some very SHADY People), running a club, taking over his brother life going to law school (after dropping out of high school), WOW! In this book Cash and Olivia's relationship are still put to the test by Liv's on going trust issues with bad boys, kidnappings, etc..
The supporting characters in this book were great. Marissa (Liv's cousin... the WITCH from book one) is kidnapped and from there things just take a downward spiral. Cash now really only has three people he can trust LIV, Gavin( his hot Australian bestie/pseudo brother), and dear old DAD. With people out to kill them and the stakes getting higher for him to keep Liv safe CASH turns to two people, his dad for advice and sends Liv under Gavins protection to her MOTHERS (this women was my second least favorite character in this book). Well just when you think you know whats going to happen next another INTERCEPTION is thrown by Mrs. Leighton and once again your back to the WTH moment (yup...mouth hanging open and everything). Well needless to say with dads help the stakes have changed drastically ... IN STROLLS NASH from the dead (YUP THE BROTHER that was suppose to be dead is alive). From this point on emotions are running high, feelings of lies, revenge, deceit and finally UNCONDITIONAL LOVE come front and center.
I enjoyed the book probably more then book one to be honest. In the end you see the beginnings of a dysfunctional yet not hopeless family (or maybe that's just me being optimistic) . My heart really went out to NASH in this book the psychological and emotional stresses he had to endure the years in hiding has made him into a man that only sees revenge and is left feeling he may be truly be all alone in his mission. I can only hope book three brings Nash love and peace. However knowing the INTERCEPTIONS we have gotten so far from Mrs. Leighton I'm expecting another WTH moment for sure.
This series has been one of my favorites starting this new year of 2013. I love books that keep you on the edge of your seat. This is definitely a page turner with some seriousness hot bad boy twin brothers and a best friend with an Australian accent. HOT!
CHEERS Mrs. Leighton for a job well done on a great series so FAR. PLEASE HURRY and Write Book #3. Also CONGRATS for making Amazon's #4 top 100 romance for Up To Me!
-Dr. Books
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