Monday, July 29, 2013

Zeus by Kamery Solomon Review and Giveaway



Vegas is not where Karly had imagined herself to be at this point in her life.She was supposed to be living in California, soaking up the sun and enjoying the life of an artist. Instead, she's just moving out of her parent's house and going to a school that could loosely be called her second choice. When she meets Zeus Drakos, owner of the new hit casino and resort in town, he seems just like every other jerk guy out there. How was she supposed to know who he really was?

I love Greek Mythology! Throw some romance in the mix and I'm swooning! Just the thought of not only having a smoking hott man, but one of power and legend just makes me swoon! So this is a YA read and our leading lady is a virgin. This is not because she didn't find the right person and then bends right over for him, no, she has values and wants to wait until marriage.                   

Karly moves to Vegas against her strict parents wishes. They even showed her videos of the worst things that could happen there to try and sway her. But since Karly didn't get into her school of choice and did her first 2 years at a local college, she wants to break free and finish her Art degree in Vegas. 

Zeus has been banished from Mount Olympus for breaking his vow to Hera. He must be gone for at least 9 years, but must also fall in love and they love him back for him in order for him to be able to return.

I've gotta say that the meeting between Karly and Zeus for the first time was one of the best ever, because it made so much more sense than a girl giving up right there after being with no one before. Zeus gets shut down and hard! He ends up showing up to apologize but Karly is not easily won. Boy did she make him sweat! Zeus has to jump through hoops for her to agree to go out with him and I SO wish I could've been in that art class! He let the air out of her tires just so she would need him to drive her! The back and forth was funny between them, and it was one of the more realistic situations that I've read, aside from him being a god of course!

Slowly and with LOTS of hiccups they start getting closer. That is until Karly overhears a conversation and learns of all the lies and feels betrayed. Zeus tells her who he is and of course she thinks he's a quack! After running away things happen to make her see things for what they are. I don't want to give too much away, but this was a great read and not too long, about 220 pages. AND there is NO cliffhanger! Book 2 in The God Chronicles comes out August 4th and is the book of Poseidon. I can't wait to share my review of that one too!  

Rating: 4.5 stars



About Kamery Solomon

     Kamery didn’t grow up thinking that she would be an author. She loved to sing and act! She dreamed of the day that she would perform on Broadway. SHe also loved books and had an active imagination. She could come up with a story in no time and tell it to her friends. Over time, she realized that she could follow both dreams.

     Now Kamery writes when she can, weaving tales in every direction imaginable. When She’s not working on her latest manuscript, she is at school finishing up her degree. Kamery loves learning and getting to do both of the things that she loves!

     Currently, Kamery lives in the White Mountains of Arizona with her handsome husband and beautiful daughter. They are her whole world!

     It’s fun  for Kamery to be so close to family and friends, especially her cohorts in Moonstruck Media. If it weren’t for them, none of her stories would have ever made it on to paper.
To contact Kamery, please use one of the following methods:


For and ebook of Zeus

Go to Kamery's facebook page (link above) give her a like and tell her that Wine Relaxation and MY Kindle <3 her!!! Then comment on THIS post letting us know you did! I will pick a winner Friday August 2nd @ 8pm CST


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